The Shiny New

The Shiny New speaks of what happens to the body's internalised choreography when the familiar physical environment changes. When what was previously an efficient and expedient behaviour, relating to the surrounding cityscape, becomes spastic, irrational and incomprehensible movements, seemingly without purpose or meaning.  

The piece was my contribution to Speculative Properties - a protest exhibition reacting to the takeover of the Adalbertsraße 9 building complex at Kotti by the real-estate company Coros Management GmbH and the imminent de-facto eviction of the people occupying its studio spaces. The event gathered all artists and cultural workers that have been a part of the studio collective since it's establishment.

Participating artists: Any Angel, Orawan Arunrak, Gilad Baram, Magnus Bjerk, Dr. Edna Bonhomme, Fett Burger, Katrin Caspar, Laura Fiorio, Tina Gebler, Marta Fernández Guardado, Ira Hadžić, Dominik Halmer, Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari, Petri Henriksson, Sarah Hucal, Emilia Kurylowicz, Arthur Laidlaw, Namia Leigh, Kine Lillestrøm, Jens Lorenzen, Talya Lubinsky, Annika Lundgren, Karl Katz Lydén, Sirio Magnabosco, Jessica Miley, Kin Mizuki, Ezekiel Morgan, Lily Morrissey, Eleni Mouzourou, Sophia Muriel, Teresa O'Connell, Matteo Peterlini, Elisa Purfürst, Johan Reisang & Ela Buria, Gidon Sack, DJ Sotofett, Martin Städeli, Rikke Sund Carlsen, Pilvi Takala, Ming Wong

Exhibition venue: Muscle Tempel Studios, Berlin